Short Review

Year : 2022 | Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | Page : 19 - 21

Endodontists and Potential Salivary Diagnosis in COVID-19 Pandemic:

A Short Review Gladson Selvakumar1 , Sarita Bhandari2 Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry, India.

Address for correspondence:

Gladson Selvakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Science, Puducherry, India E‐mail:


Corona virus (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. Health care workers are on the front lines to protect our communities. Dentists, particularly endodontists who manage medical emergencies, are engaged in high risk procedures that necessitate the modification of their treatmet strategies in order to protect themselves, their staff and their parents from exposure to SARSCoV-2. The standard approach for screening currently followed is RT-PCR. But this is an expensive technique and time-consuming. Therefore, a rapid and sensitive diagnostic tool can help the endodontist before beginning any emergency procedure. This review paper will serve as guide to clinicians to employ screening in their practice for improved outcome.

Keywords: COVID-19 , Endodontists , Diagnosis , salivary diagnosis , RT-PCR

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflict of Interest

There is no Conflict of interest

How to cite this article:

Gladson Selvakumar, & Sarita bhandari. (2022). Endodontists and Potential Salivary Diagnosis in COVID-19 Pandemic: A Short Review. International Journal of Clinicopathological Correlation, 6(1), 19–21.

Submitted: 25-Feb-2022 Revised: 13-Mar- 2022 Accepted: 05-Apr-2022 Published:13-Jun-2022


Case Report


Case Report