Original Article

Year : 2020 | Volume : 5 | Issue : 1 | Page : 23 - 29

Characteristic Features and Terminologies of Mammalian Dentition – A Conspectus

Sanpreet Singh Sachdev, Zaneta Ivy D'Souza, Tabita Joy Chettiankandy, Manisha Ahire Sardar, Vivek Pakhmode, Trisha D’Souza1

From the Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Government Dental College and Hospital, 1 Animal Wellness and Rehabilitation Center, Mumbai Veterinary College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Forensic odontology is a relatively recent branch of dentistry that bridges our field with the practice of law. Its scope is not only limited to human dentition but also may extend to involve other animals as well. The present literature with regard to animal dentition is relatively primitive and scattered due to which many forensic odontologists are not familiarized with this vastly unexplored field. In this context, we have attempted to provide a concise overview of various characteristics and terminologies of animal dentition, which could empower dental researchers to further investigate the subject meticulously.

Materials and Methods:

Skull specimens of various orders of mammals were observed for various characteristics such as morphologic features of arches, traits of the dentition, and their spatial relation to each other. Various measurements were obtained using Digital Vernier Calipers and digital photographs of the specimen to illustrate the characteristic features that were captured.


The characteristic features of dentition have been collectively described in the text according to the taxonomic orders to which the specimens belong to. Various terminologies relating to these features have been specified as well.


With equipment of basic but essential knowledge pertaining to characteristics and terminologies of various orders of mammals, dental researchers can gain a better understanding of the adaptive and evolutionary changes in animal and human dentition, enabling them to further explore this aspect of forensic odontology with greater confidence.

Key Words: Animal dentition, dogs, forensic odontology, mammals, order, primates, rodents, terminologies, ungulates

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Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

How to cite this article:

Sachdev SS, D'Souza ZI, Chettiankandy TJ, Sardar MA, Pakhmode V, D'Souza T. Characteristic features and terminologies of mammalian dentition – A conspectus. Int J Forensic Odontol 2020;5:23-9.


Original Article


Original Article