Original Article

Year : 2016 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 2 | Page : 36 - 38

Analysis of Lip Prints in 12 Different Compartments of Lips in Fifty Female Population: An Observational Study

J Senthamil Sindhu, TN Uma Maheswari

From the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Saveetha Dental College, Saveetha University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Address for correspondence:

Dr. J Senthamil Sindhu, E‐mail: ssindhujaya@gmail.com



To find out if there are different types of lip print pattern in each compartment of lip. To find out the predominant type of lip print in each compartment of the lips and most predominant type of lip print pattern found in females.

Materials and Methods:

This study was conducted in 50 females who had morphologically healthy lips devoid of any congenital or developed abnormalities. The lip prints were recorded in micro slides by applying lip stick. The upper and the lower lip prints were divided into two halves as left and right. The right and the left half are further divided into central, middle, lateral and therefore the lip print analysis was done in 12 compartments of the lip print samples.

Statistical Analysis:

The collected data was analysed with SPSS 16.0 version. To describe about the data descriptive statistics frequency analysis, percentage analysis were used.


The predominant type of lip print type seen in different compartments are as follows type I (40%) in upper right lateral, type II (44%) in upper right middle, type V (32%) in upper right centre, type IV(32%) in upper left centre, type II (40%) in upper left middle, type I (50%) in left lateral, type III (42%) in lower right lateral, type II (32%) in lower right middle, type V (66%) in lower right centre, type V(42%) in lower left centre, type II (36%) in lower left middle, type II (44%) in lower left lateral. The predominant type of lip print pattern including both upper and lower lip is type II followed by type V, type I, type III and type IV.


Our study has once again proved the uniqueness of the lip prints and its importance in personal identification. Even though the collection and storage of lip prints in glass slide is superior to the conventional methods the samples get easily distorted. Further studies have to be done in males lip print samples for sex determination using lip prints. Also different digitalizing techniques have to be developed for easy storage and retrieval of the lip prints which would be useful in individual identification as well as forensic investigations.

Key Words: Detailed imaging, female population, lip prints

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Financial support and sponsorship


How to cite this article:

Sindhu JS, Uma Maheswari TN. Analysis of lipprints in 12 different compartments of lips in fifty female population: An observational study. Int J Forensic Odontol 2016;1:36-8.


Original Article


Original Article