Review Article

Year : 2016 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 1 | Page : 2 - 3

Forensic Odontology: A Historic Review

Laliytha Bijai Kumar, Sivaraman Shivakumar1

From the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, 1

Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Vivekananda Dental College for Women, Tiruchengode,

Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Laliytha Bijai Kumar, E‐mail:


Forensic odontology has played a major role in identification of persons in crime scenes, mass disasters, fire victims, abuse, and accidents. The various methods employed in forensic odontology include rugoscopy, cheiloscopy, photographic study, radiographs, and molecular methods. Despite the shortcomings, methods applied in forensic odontology are quite reliable. This paper is a review on the historical highlights of forensic odontology.

Key Words: Bite marks, cheiloscopy, forensic odontology, rugoscopy

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Conflicts of interest

None declared.

How to cite this article:

Kumar LB, Shivakumar S. Forensic odontology: A historic review. Int J Forensic Odontol 2016;1:2-3.


Review Article

