Original Article

Year : 2018 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 1 | Page : 1-7

Morphological Features in Granulomatous Mastitis: A Window to the Etiopathogenesis

Ravi Pratap Singh, Meetu Agrawal, Neha Kwatra Madan, Charanjeet Ahluwalia, Megha Tandon

Departments of Pathology and 1 Surgery, Vardhman Mahaveer Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital (VMMC & SJH), New Delhi, India



Granulomatous mastitis holds a special place amongst the various non-neoplastic lesions of breast. Most granulomas at various sites are thought to be and turn out to be tubercular, especially in a high tuberculosis prevalence country. However, a physiologically dynamic organ-like breast can have granulomas due to various causes, which have different therapeutic implications. Further, these lesions are usually mass-forming and close mimickers of malignancy. A careful analysis of histopathology can provide important clues to the etiopathogenesis.


The aim of this study was to perform a detailed histopathological examination of cases of granulomatous mastitis and correlate it with clinical characteristics and follow-up data wherever applicable.

Materials and Methods:

A retrospective analysis of cases retrieved was carried out by two pathologists (RPS and MA). The morphological details were analyzed against the clinical, surgical, and follow-up data.

Results and Conclusion:

With careful analysis, the nature of constituent cells, relative proportion of cells and associated pathological findings can provide a clue as to the etiology of granulomas.

Keywords: Granulomatous, mastitis, plasma cell mastitis, tubercular mastitis

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Meetu Agrawal, Department of Pathology, Vardhman Mahaveer Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital (VMMC & SJH), New Delhi 110029, India. E-mail: meetu.drmeetuagrawal@gmail.com

How to cite this article:

Singh RP, Agrawal M, Madan NK, Ahluwalia C, Tandon M. Morphological features in granulomatous mastitis: A window to the etiopathogenesis. Int J Histopathol Interpret 2018;7:1-7.


Case Report


Case Report