Review Article

Year : 2019 | Volume : 10 | Issue : 2 | Page : 82-87

Extending the envelope of regenerative medicine in orthodontics by stem cells

S D Milling Tania1, Ashwin Mathew George2

1 Department of Orthodontics, Rajas Dental College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India, 2 Department of Orthodontics, Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Correspondence Address:

Dr. S D Milling Tania,

Rajas Dental College, Kavalkinaru, Tirunelveli - 627 105, Tamil Nadu, India

Source of Support: 


Conflict of Interest: 


DOI: 10.4103/ijor.ijor_20_19

Stem cell (SC) therapy has become a buzz word in several debilitating diseases in medicine. This rapidly evolving cutting-edge technology has slowly extended its tentacles in dentistry without sparing orthodontics. There are several conditions in orthodontics which are only being partly answered by human-engineered techniques. With the hope of getting a complete solution to several such problems, research in SC therapy has gained momentum in orthodontics for the past few decades. Electronic databases were searched for the material collection; language restriction was not followed. The following keywords were used: stem cell and orthodontics. The search was not limited to any particular type of study design. This review article describes various possible areas in orthodontia where SC therapy will and can be applied in future based on the evidence from a collection of several such studies conducted in those areas.

How To Cite This Article:

Tania SD, George AM. Extending the envelope of regenerative medicine in orthodontics by stem cells. Int J Orthod Rehabil 2019;10:82-7.


Review Article


Review Article