Guest Editorial

Year : 2016 | Volume : 7 | Issue : 4 | Page : 119-120

From the guillotine to the plastic re-evolution

Juan Pablo Gomez Arango

Department of Orthodontics, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Manizales, Colombia

Correspondence Address:

Juan Pablo Gomez Arango

Director of Biomechanics, Orthodontics Program, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales, Manizales, Colombia.


In the late 1760s, a beautiful preadolescent girl, Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna Von Habsburg-Lothringen, happily passed her afternoons playing in the gardens of the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, with her friend and music instructor, one Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, only 2 months younger than her, albeit already being a musical phenomenon. One evening, she was summoned by the governess of the imperial children and was informed of an uncanny decision, conceived by loving relatives, obviously without her consent. To her astonishment, due to a political arrangement, she was to be married by proxy to another child, a 15-year-old named Louis Auguste, whom she was to eventually meet a month after the ceremony. However, there was one serious problem to be resolved to materialize the plan; despite her beauty, Marie suffered from severe dental crowding. Under such urgency, the most renowned pundit was brought all the way from France to the palace and consulted for a solution to unexpected esthetic circumstances that threatened the political stability of Europe. The dentist, Pierre Laveran, had developed expertise in the use of Pierre Fauchard's "BANDEAU," published 40 years earlier in the treatise "Le Chirurgien Dentiste," for the alignment of crowded teeth. Thanks to Dr. Laveran and Fauchard's Bandeau, Maria and Louis were married 2 years later, eventually becoming the notorious Louis XVI, King of France and Navarre, and his faithful consort, Marie-Antoinette, whom in unfortunate circumstances would play a calamitous but pivotal role in one of the most critical episodes of modern history, the French Revolution

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Conflict of Interest: 


DOI: 10.4103/2349-5243.197448

How to cite this article: Arango JG. From the guillotine to the plastic re-evolution. Int J Orthod Rehabil 2016;7:119-20.


Guest Editorial


Short Communication