Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report


Year : 2022 | Volume : 13 | Issue : 2 | Page : 37 - 46

Characteristic Variants in Long Faces with Increased Anterior Facial Height

Lichi. A. Solanki1, Shantha Sundari K.K2

1Post Graduate, 2 Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Saveetha Dental College.

Address for Correspondence:

Lichi. A. Solanki

Post graduate student , Department of Orthodontics Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences Saveetha University, Chennnai.



Facial characteristics are affected by facial proportions, growth pattern, facial heights, and smile of the patients. Long face syndrome usually presents with an increased lower anterior and total anterior facial height, a gummy smile, a hyperdivergent growth pattern and decreased facial height. However, there are many variations in the posterior facial height and the growth pattern. There can be patients having an increased anterior facial height with increased or average posterior facial height, or an average and reduced mandibular plane angle. This paper aimed at reviewing the various characteristic facial variants of an increased anterior facial height. This article reviews three such variants of an increased anterior facial height. It particularly highlights the variant with increased anterior and posterior facial height and the modification in the treatment of such cases. The most common treatment option for the normally occurring variant of hyperdivergent growth pattern with a reduced posterior facial height is surgical superior impaction of the maxilla. But, for the variant with increased posterior facial height with hyperdivergent growth pattern is not the same as following superior impaction, the mandibular autorotation will not be stable in such variants due to genetically engrammed strong muscular patterns.

Keywords: Anterior facial height; mandibular plane angle; gummy smile; hyper-divergent; Posterior facial height.


There are no conflicts of interest.



How to cite: Lichi. A. Solanki, & Shantha Sundari K.K. (2022). Characteristic Variants in Long Faces with Increased Anterior Facial Height: Case Report. International Journal of Orthodontic Rehabilitation, 13(2), 37–46.

Received : 27.04.2022 Accepted:20.05.2022 Web Published: 21.06.2022

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