Original Research

Year : 2023 | Volume : 8 | Issue : 1 | Page :- 14-20

Evaluation of the remineralizing efficacy of GC Tooth Mousse Plus and Enafix using surface microhardness and surface roughness analysis in deciduous molars: an in vitro study

1Neeti Tatiya, 2 Jayatri Mondal, 3Syeda Sara Samreen 1,2,3Post Graduate Student, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Maitri College of Dentistry and Research Centre, Anjora, Durg, Chhattisgarh, 492001

Address for Correspondence:

Dr. Neeti Tatiya

C-110/7, New Rajendra Nagar, Raipur Chhattisgarh, 492001

E-mail Id: drneetitatiya@gmail.com



To compare and evaluate using surface microhardness measurement, and surface roughness analysis in deciduous molars using GC Tooth Mousse Plus and Enafix.

Material and methodology:

A four-equal window acid resistant varnish was placed around the exposed enamel surface of forty removed deciduous molars before they were submerged in a demineralizing solution and remineralized for weeks using Tooth Mousse Plus and Enafix.

Statistical Analysis Used:

One Way ANOVA and Post Hoc Turkey test (P<0.05) were used


Following 4 weeks of remineralization, all specimens underwent SEM analysis and revealed indications of thickening of their inter-rod material. Tooth Mousse Plus also revealed pronounced remineralization evidence. Enafix demonstrated greater resistance to breakdown during the last acid exposure. Surface micro hardness (SMH) and surface roughness (Ra) both showed comparable results, with a noticeable decrease in roughness values and an increase in microhardness values, while Enafix showed a greater source of remineralization and Tooth Mousse Plus showed a greater resistance to the final acid challenge.


Enafix has demonstrated superior resistance to the final acid trial, whereas superior remineralization property was seen in GC Tooth Mousse Plus.

Key words: Remineralising agent, Surface Hardness, Tooth Mousse Plus, Enafix




There are no conflicts of interest

How to cite: Neeti et al, Evaluation of the remineralizing efficacy of GC Tooth Mousse Plus and Enafix using surface microhardness and surface roughness analysis in deciduous molars: an in vitro study, Int J Pedo Rehab 2023; 8(1):14- 20


Case Report


Original Research