Case Report

Year : 2019 | Volume : 4 | Issue : 2 | Page : 84-87

A Modification of Distal Shoe Appliance for Premature Loss of Primary Second Molar‐Comparison with Willet’s Appliance: Report of Four Cases

Rajesh T. Anegundi, Sinjini Banerjee, Shruthi B. Patil, Vijay Trasad

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, SDM Dental College and Hospital, Dharwad, Karnataka, India

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Sinjini Banerjee,

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, SDM Dental College and Hospital, Dharwad ‐ 580 009, Karnataka, India.



Primary dentition is important for space maintenance, mastication, speech, and development of occlusion, premature loss of which results in space loss, deep bite, crowding, tooth impactions, and midline shift. Deciduous second molar guides the erupting first permanent molar which uprights in position after following the forward and upward path of eruption. Prevention of the space loss due to premature loss of primary second molar always been a challenge for pedodontists. Several designs of guiding appliances are proposed, the most common design being the Willet’s appliance. Willet’s design unable to provide broad contact often results in dislodgment of the vertical arm, slipping, and rotation of erupting molar. In this article, a modified design of the distal shoe has been compared with three other cases with Willet’s appliance.

Keywords: Interceptive orthodontics, guiding appliance, space maintenance

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

How to cite this article: Anegundi RT, Banerjee S, Patil SB, Trasad V. Amodification of distalshoe appliance for premature loss of primary second molar‐comparison with Willet’s appliance: Report of four cases. IntJ Pedod Rehabil 2019;4:84-7.


Case Report


Case Report