Letter to Editor

Year : 2021 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 2 | Page : 9-10


dilBhombal 1, MaazVohra 2

1, 2 Department of Prosthodontics, M.A Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences, Pune

Address of correspondence :

Dr. MaazVohraDepartment of Prosthodontics, M.A Rangoonwala College of Dental Sciences, Pune

Mail Id: Maazvora360@gmail.com


Dental implants have now become the first choice of treatment for replacement of missing teeth, after half a century of successful trials with human patients. Titanium or titanium alloy is the gold-standard material for intraosseous dental implants because of its superior resistance and longevity. Since the turn of the millennium, moderately rough implants have been the treatment of choice, as they have shown improved clinical results. However, cleanliness of the surface of sterile packaged oral implants is one of their distinguishing features. Oral implants can have a variety of surfaces, both inorganic and organic. Different manufacturers also claim different cleaning methods that are supposed to provide better clinical success. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the cleanliness of well documented clinical implant systems to implants with similar design and surface.

Conflict of interest

All the authors declare no conflict of interest


Dental implants, Implant surface, Implant designs, Surface modifications, Implant packaging.

How To Cite This Article: AdilBhombal,MaazVohra;Surface cleanliness of dental implants..IntJProsthoRehabil2021; 2: 2:9-10.

Received: 25-07-21; Accepted: 27-08-21; Web Published: 18-10-21


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Mini Review