Literature Review

Year : 2020 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 1 | Page : 24 - 27


Joshua Narde1, Sahil Singh21, 2Student, Department of Prosthodontics, SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Dharwad- 580009. Karnataka.

Address of correspondence

Dr. Joshua Narde

Department of Prosthodontics, SDM College of Dental Sciences and Hospital,Dharwad- 580009, Karnataka



Crestal bone loss around an implant is seen as a manifestation of lack of osseointegration around an implant. It is said to be of multi factorial origin leading ultimately to the loss of the implant prosthesis with other severe consequences. This bone loss can be seen either early or late in the life of the implant. The early bone loss is impacted more by foreign body reactions and also patient related factors whereas the late CBL is due to microflora. The most important reason for CBL is overloading followed by a concept called brain-bone axis. The bone and immune system reacting to a foreign body is also seen to be an influencer of bone loss as a result of chronic inflammation becoming an immunological response. Due to osseoseparation becoming an alarming issue; methods to measure crestal bone loss are important. Standardised Intraoral Radiography[SIR] and Cone Beam Computed Tomography[CBCT] are the most appropriate ways of assessment available. This literature review has been done to highlight the importance of crestal bone loss as it is important for future success.


Crestal bone loss, osseointegration, brain-bone axis, radiographic techniques.

Conflict of interest

The authors have nothing to disclose or any conflicts of interest.

Source of Funding


How To Cite This Article: Joshua N, Sahil S. Crestal bone loss around implants.Int J Prostho Rehabil 2020; 1: 1:24-27

Received: 26-03-20; Accepted: 28-04-20; Web Published: 13-06-2020


Mini Review


Literature Review