Original Article
Year : 2024 | Volume : 9 | Issue : 1 | Page : 19-25
Knowledge and Practice of Oral Hygiene Maintenance among Dental Students
Srivardhini Shanmugham, Divvi Anusha, Shivashankar Kengadaran
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, SBV, Puducherry, India
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Divvi Anusha
Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, SBV, Puducherry, India
Email –anushadivvi1991@gmail.com
Oral health awareness has an important role in general health and well-being of an individual. As dental students, we have an enormous role to play in maintaining public health. Hence, it is very important to have sound knowledge and importance of oral hygiene measures and their importance. The aim of the study was to evaluate the knowledge and practice of oral hygiene maintenance among dental students.
Materials and Methods:
A structured questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge and practice of oral hygiene of dental students. Seventy students were evaluated and their responses were recorded, tabulated, and analyzed.
86% of the dental students had adequate knowledge about the common causes of oral diseases. 84% of the students responded that they prefer fluorinated toothpaste by considering design of the toothbrush. 84.7% of the students responded that they clean their tongue with tongue-cleaning aids and prefer to get treated at initial signs of caries. About 65.7% of the respondents control their mouth odor by regular rinse using plain water.
It can be concluded from the study that the overall knowledge of oral hygiene among the dental students was good, but there were deficits in their oral hygiene practices in certain areas.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
How to cite this Article: Srivardhini Shanmugham, Anusha, D., & Kengadaran, S. (2024). Knowledge and Practice of Oral Hygiene Maintenance among Dental Students: Original article. International Journal of Social Rehabilitation, 9(1), 19–25. https://doi.org/10.56501/intjsocrehab.v9i1.1116