Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Encephalitis, failures of postexposure prophylaxis, postexposure prophylaxis, rabies postexposure prophylaxis, rabies

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Original Article

Keywords: Prognosis, triple-negative breast cancer, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Original Article

Keywords: Fine-needle aspiration cytology, nodular skin lesions, nonneoplastic

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Review Article

Keywords: Autopsy, biopsy, cluster, human tissue, migraine, neuropathology, primary headache

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Aggressive variant of prostate carcinoma, castrate resistant prostate cancer, clinical features, metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer, pathologic features

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Original Article

Keywords: Leishman’s stain, morphology, Papanicolaou stain, peripheral smear, red blood cells, white blood cells

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Original Article

Keywords: Endometrial aspiration cytology, histopathology, infertility, ovulation

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Original Article

Keywords: Breast cancer susceptibility gene 1, breast cancer, histopathology, immunohistochemistry, Indian


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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Review Article

Keywords: Pregnancy, virus, bacteria, fungal, infections

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Benign, hamartoma, lymphangioma, tongue

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Desmin, fibroid, fibroma, leiomyoma, ovary, smooth muscle actin

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Clear cell carcinoma, endometriosis, hepatocyte nuclear factor-1 beta, immunohistochemistry, mucinous cystadenoma, napsin A

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, T-cell lymphoma

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Facial, granulomatous, lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei, tuberculid

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Original Article

Keywords: Acinar adenocarcinoma, extraprostatic extension, Gleason grade, perineural invasion, radical prostatectomy

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Clear-cell meningioma, DNA methylation, H3K27me3

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Case Report

Keywords: Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, karyomegalic interstitial nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Original Article

Keywords: Dengue, medications, mode of spread, preventive measures, signs and symptoms

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Journals SDC Journals SDC

Review Article

Keywords: Epithelization, hemostasis, inflammation, remodeling, wound healing

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