Original Article

Year : 2018 | Volume : 2 | Issue : 1 | Page : 23 - 25

Study on Variations of Pulp Morphology in Normal Teeth

Lavanya Karunagaran, Pratibha Ramani, Priya Premkumar, Anuja Natesan, Herald Sherlin

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, SIMATS, Saveetha University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Lavanya Karunagaran,

E‑mail: drklavanya@gmail.com



Every tooth has a distinctive pulp and root morphology which varies from one segment to another. This myriad presentation of the pulp makes better understanding of pulp morphology mandatory to provide a successful endodontic treatment. Previously, extensive studies have been done on the morphology of the pulp.


The present study was designed to study the pulpal morphology using the diaphanization technique.

Materials and Methods:

Fifty normally developed and erupted single‐rooted and multi‐rooted teeth were selected for the study, and the diaphanization technique was used to render them transparent. Methyl red/violet dyes were injected until it took up the entire pulp morphology, except for slight destruction in the crown portion due to the access preparation. The tooth model was then mounted vertically on to a sticky wax.


The lateral canals, apical foramina, furcations, and anastomoses of all the teeth were analyzed.


The diaphanization technique helped in visualizing the pulp morphology of each tooth in a 3‐dimensional aspect. It is an easier and inexpensive tool that provides better insight into understanding the pulp morphology in vitro. The models hence prepared can be used as teaching aid in preclinical studies for dental students to gain skills.

Financial support and sponsorship


Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Keywords: Diaphanization technique, pulpal morphology, Root canal

How to cite this article:

Karunagaran L, Ramani P, Premkumar P, Natesan A, Sherlin H. Study on variations of pulp morphology in normal teeth. Int J Orofac Biol 2018;2:23-5.


Case Report


Original Article