Original Article

Year : 2022 | Volume : 13 | Issue : 2 | Page : 64-74

Expanding the concept of orthodontic camouflage for a skeletal Class II camouflage case through the use of skeletal anchorage system

Hasan Sabah Hasan 1. Ahmed Mohammed Samy Ahmed Said Ahmed Eysa 2, Mostafa Fathy Anwar Mahmoud 3,Mohamed A.Elkolaly 4

1 Specialist Orthodontist, Orthodontic Department, Khanzad Teaching Center Erbil, Iraq. 2 Clinical Supervisor, 3 Course Director Orthodontic Department, Hident Academy, Egypt. 4 Course director ,Orthodontic Department, Royal Dental Center, Alexandria, Egypt

Address for Correspondence:

Dr. Hasan Sabah Hasan

Specialist orthodontist at orthodontic department of khanzad teaching center

General directorate of Hawler-Ministry of health/ Erbil-Iraq. hsh.ortho@yahoo.com


This study aimed to report the treatment steps in a 26-year male patient, presented with a class II div 1 incisor relationship on a class II skeletal base with increased vertical proportions. The case was complicated by missing lower second premolars and retained lower second deciduous molars. Severe crowding was evident in the lower arch with mild crowding in the upper arch. The overbite and the overjet were increased. Scissor bite was evident in the left buccal segment. Treatment involved extraction of upper first premolars and lower second deciduous molars, utilizing moderate anchorage using a preadjusted edgewise fixed appliance (0.022’’ X 0.028”) with Roth prescription. Treatment duration was 20 months in total. The envelope of discrepancy specifies strict rules when camouflaging class II cases. The ability to retract incisors and the use of class II mechanics are within limited range to avoid damage to the periodontium. The current case report showed that the ability of the clinician to retract incisors using TADs could be carried out with high rate of success and safety.

KEY WORDS: Cl II div 1 Malocclusion, Overjet, En-Mass retraction, TADs

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Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest

How To Cite This Article: Hasan Sabah Hasan, Ahmed Mohammed Samy Ahmed Said Ahmed Eysa, Mostafa Fathy Anwar Mahmoud, & Mohamed A. Elkolaly. (2022). Expanding the concept of orthodontic camouflage for a skeletal Class II camouflage case through the use of skeletal anchorage system: Original Article. International Journal of Orthodontic Rehabilitation, 13(2), 64–74. https://doi.org/10.56501/intjorthodrehabil.v13i2.200


Original Research


Original Research